Stitch intuitively, without rigid rules or the need for perfection. Finish your projects and delight in your creations.


By the end of this Creative Embroidery Basics course you will be able to:

  • Easily transfer a pattern onto fabric and know where to place it.

  • Satin Stitch freely using my simple methods.

  • Confidently use filling, outlining and isolated stitches.

  • Comfortably use a hoop so it's helpful and not a hindrance.

  • Shed any need for perfection and stitch with ease.

  • Start AND finish an embroidery pattern.

  • Sew your project into a lined zipper pouch.

  • Save $$$ because it's a free course!


Follow along with me through 12 video tutorials as I guide you step-by-step to start AND finish an embroidery project.


  • I'm a complete beginner, can I do this course?

    Absolutely! I take you from the basics all the way to the end result of a simple project that you'll turn into a usable item.

  • How long will this course take me to do?

    The total video time is 45 minutes over 12 video modules. You will work on the modules in your own time and it will depend on how busy you are but you could start and finish your project in about half a day.

  • I used to stitch many years ago, is this course for me?

    I've had many students who have returned to embroidery after decades of not stitching for various reasons. This will serve as a great refresher course and no doubt you'll find that your fingers have retained muscle memory, your brain will recall certain stitches and your heart will find the joy in embrodiery once again.

  • I already know how to embroider, is this still of benefit to me?

    Only if you're interested in my style of embrodiery which is relaxed, devoid of perfection or rigid rules. I stitch using all six strands, I use knots on the back of my work and I use simple stitches strategically to achieve impactful results. Having embroidery knowledge under your belt will mean you'll breeze through the modules but will pick up my unique style which is ideal for all my patterns that are inspired by the traditional Polish folk craft that has inspired all my work.

  • What kind of materials do I need? Are they expensive?

    You can use the most basic materials for this course. Even if you don't have the same things that I use you can still do this course and benefit from all the lessons. If you can find a needle, some thread and light non stretchy fabric as well as a pen and scissors then you can comfortably start this course.

  • Is there any support after this course?

    Once you've done the course and if you're interested in doing more of my designs you can join the private Facebook Group called "Creative Embroidery With Kasia Jacquot". Here, everyone shares photos of their projects (including the MAYA pattern from this course) and you can learn a lot from this community.